Unlocking Growth: Cory Johnson on Lead Segmentation and Customer Insight



Cory Johnson Growth Marketing Manager, Synthesia

Cory Johnson, Growth Marketing Manager at Synthesia, recently shared insightful thoughts on lead segmentation and ideal customer profiles (ICPs) in growth marketing.

Key Highlights:

1. Use Case-Based Segmentation: Understanding a customer's intended use of your platform is crucial, even though it's not always straightforward.

2. The Art of Imperfection in Profiling: Profiling leads involves a range of factors like company size and email domain, acknowledging it's not a perfect science.

3. Finding Leads in Unexpected Places: An interesting example from Cory reveals how engaging with a YouTube comment led to a significant client relationship, highlighting the unpredictable nature of lead sources.

4. The Crucial Role of Product Marketers: Direct customer conversations are essential in accurately shaping use cases and understanding real-world applications.

Cory's insights underscore the importance of a nuanced approach to understanding and engaging with potential leads in the realm of growth marketing. laire sheds light on how B2B marketing can enhance nurture strategies by observing B2C practices. She emphasizes fostering customer loyalty and adopting a multi-channel, creative approach. "Let's bring the engagement and urgency from B2C to B2B, making nurturing an integral part of the customer journey, not just an afterthought," says Clair


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