Exploring the AI Frontier: Unraveling the Relationship Between Artificial Intelligence, Creativity, and Human Behavior


Nataliya Tkachenko ESG Data & Generative AI Ethics Lead, Lloyds Bank

Maz Nadjm Global Social Media Practice and Generative AI Head, Tata Consulting Services

Chris Zacharia Copy Writer, Atkins

Giorgia Guantario Social Media Lead, UpSlide

Prash Majmudar CTO, Adzact

Tom Gatten CEO, Adzact


Dive into the AI Frontier: Join AI enthusiasts and industry leaders as they unravel the intricate relationship between artificial intelligence, creativity, and human behaviour. Explore unique insights on AI's impact, potential, and the ethical quandaries it presents. Perfect for those keen to understand AI's evolving role in our world.


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